The bottling industry has some specific features, such as heavy automation, high speed in various applications and high standards of reliability for packaging. Taking care of the specific needs of the sector, Magnoni produces a wide range of conveyor systems for handling Cans, Bottles and Jars, Bundles, full Cartons and Pallets, with marked specialisation in the management of empty cans.
Can rinsers Blowing systems
Cans |
Cans and bottles tilting systems
Cans |
Cans and bottles tilting systems
Cans |
Cans and bottles tilting systems
Cans |
Cans and bottles tilting systems
Cans |
Cans and bottles tilting systems
PET bottles | Glass bottles | Tetra Paks | Cartons | Jars | Cans | Pouches |
Cans and bottles tilting systems Blowing systems
Glass bottles | Jars | Cans | PET bottles |
Empty and full cans conveyor systems
Cans |
Elevators / Lowerators
PET bottles | Glass bottles | Tetra Paks | Jars | Cans |
Blowing systems
PET bottles | Glass bottles | Bundles | Jars | Cans |
Can rinsers
Cans |
Empty and full cans conveyor systems
Cans |
Can rinsers
Cans |
Empty and full cans conveyor systems
Cans |
Can rinsers
Bundles | Jars |
Empty and full cans conveyor systems
Cans |
Empty and full cans conveyor systems
Cans |
Empty and full cans conveyor systems Elevators / Lowerators
Cans |
Empty and full cans conveyor systems
PET bottles | Glass bottles | Tetra Paks | Jars | Cans |
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